In this week's English language lesson we are studying THE BODY and BODY MOVEMENTS. We will learn all the vocabulary for anatomy and body parts.
For fun, the brave students can learn using the Karma Sutra in English!
And then put it all into practice with some practical LESSONS.... on the gym mat (doing exercises, not the Karma Sutra).....
Today we celebrate International Workers' Day. (Sometimes 'Labor Day'). But what exactly are we celebrating? Today we watch a film explaining the fascinating origins of the 1st May.
In this week's English language lesson we are studying COMPARATIVE SENTENCES. In particular we are going to look at the structure THE + COMPARATIVE + THE + COMPARTIVE / SUPERLATIVE.
This week's English language lesson is a recap of some of the most basic elements of English pronunciation. If you could find a secret to 'good' English, what would it be? How can you improve your pronunication with little or no effort? Watch these video tutorials and learn.
This is an English language TESOL classroom discussion about the pharmaceutical industry and drug approval. We will watch a video by American economist and free market advocate Milton Friedman who gives a critique of the role of the FDA. We will then discuss some of the points it raises. (Level C1)
This week's English language lesson is WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SOUND IN ENGLISH? and we also answer the question WHAT IS THE SECRET TO 'GOOD' ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION?
This week's English language lesson is 10 FUN WAYS TO SAY ‘HELLO’ IN ENGLISH. (Parts 1 & 2)
This week Libertarian Linguistics Club presents an English language and British culture video to help make your English sound real and convincing. We will take you step-by-step through the phrases you need to sound like a native speaker
For this week's English language lesson homework assignment we are going to study Italian body language and how gestures correspond to typical every day phrases.
Italians use gestures to express many feelings or to communicate. Many of the gestures have very nice common phrases, also in English, which you should know to make your everyday English sound more convincing.
This is a continuation of the lessons that we did last week about BODY PARTS & DESCRIBING BODY MOVEMENTS. (Check out the blog)
In today's English language lesson we watch a video to learn 12 English words and phrases to say 'Go away'.
These phrases are often used by native speakers in conversation, in the street or in a native environment. They will make your English sound more real and convincing.
In the lesson we take a close look at the pronunciation of two of English's most confused phonemes:
'Live' and 'leave'; what's the difference?
We also look at Michael Jackson's English pronunciation!
In today's English language homework assignment we are going to study and memorize:
10 different ways to say 'Hello'.
Make your English sound more natural and convincing with these useful phrases.